New release announcement: Crevure's new release "From Womb To Suicide"
And our next release will be Crevure's latest hate-fueled creation: "From Womb to Suicide."

New release announcement: Sult's first album
I’m very pleased to present the self-titled debut album from Denmark’s innovative Black metal force, Sult.

New release announcement: Obscenum' first demo “Intercranial Existence”
I’m thrilled to announce that our first release of the year is the debut demo from Finland's Obscenum, titled “Intercranial Existence”.

Fall's batch releases announcement
I’m pleased to announce the two releases for this fall batch: US death/thrash veterans Abhorred's EP "None Shall Be Spared", available on tape for the first time, and the debut EP "The Sighting Giants of The Deep" by Swedish newcomers Death’s Keep".

Summer's batch releases are now shipping
All releases from this summer's batch are now shipping. Order your copies now.

Pre-order announcement: Stone Nomads' EP “Beyond The Gates”
I'm pleased to announce the tape release of “Beyond The Gates” the latest EP by Texan Power Doom trio, Stone Nomads.

Pre-order announcement: “Buried Alive” the debut EP from Surrounded By Strangers
I’m thrilled to announce the tape release of “Buried Alive,” the debut EP from Surrounded By Strangers, as our first release of the summer.

Spring's batch releases are now shipping
All releases from this spring's batch are now shipping. Order your copies now.

Pre-order announcement: "The Ghoules" EP
And for the third and final instalment of this spring's batch, I present to you The Ghoules' EP, "House Creeper".

Pre-order announcement: "Daedalia" EP
For the second installment of this spring's batch, I'm pleased to introduce you to the hypnagogic black metal of Daedalia

Pre-order announcement: "Ancient Beast" EP
I am very happy to share that Ancient Beast’s EP “Lost Bastille”, the initial release of this spring’s batch, is now available for pre-order.

New release announcement: Release of CREVURE's EPs on tape
And now, for something quite different, I'm super thrilled to present the release of french DYI gridcore act CREVURE's first EPs.

Bludgeon Oath's "A Burning Wrath" vinyls have arrived
Bludgeon Oath's "A Burning Wrath" vinyls have arrived and are now available for order in the store.

New release announcement: Cassette release of Spectral Sorcery's EP "Dungeons of Doom"
I'm very excited to announce Spectral Sorcery's first EP "Dungeons of Doom" as our new release.

New release: CD release of Murderbait's album "Nostalgia Like Cancer"
I am delighted to announce the CD release of "Nostalgia Like Cancer".

Bludgeon Oath's "A Burning Wrath" available for pre-order
The album will come in tape, digisleeve, and vinyl versions, offering both black and colored options.
New release announcement: Bludgeon Oath's debut album
I am thrilled to announce the arrival of our latest release: "A Burning Wrath" by Quebec's enigmatic overlords, Bludgeon Oath

First tape release: "Unending Torment" by Tempest
Psalmodist Records is proud to present our very first tape release, "Unending Torment" the debut EP by Mexican entity Tempest.