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  • Format: CD
  • Duration: 29:43
  • Cat.#: PSLM-14-CD
  • Release date: 1/24/2025

Debut album from Denmark’s innovative Black metal force, Sult. Featuring former members of Eldjudnir, this project leans into a more straightforward Black metal sound while still drawing on a diverse range of influences, echoing the spirit of their earlier work. The album’s seven tracks deliver a mix of grim mid-’90s BM vibes, eerie and meditative passages, dissonant yet accessible elements reminiscent of DsO’s Paracletus, and atmospheric sections propelled by mesmerizing tremolo riffing. This release is available in a limited-edition digisleeve of only 100 copies.



"Intercranial Existence"

"Intercranial Existence"
  • Format: MC
  • Duration: 16:01
  • Cat.#: PSLM-13-MC
  • Release date: 1/17/2025

Debut demo from Finland's Obscenum, titled "Intercranial Existence". This impressive first effort from those young lads out of Lahti pays homage to their predecessors while forging a sound that is distinctly their own. Expect crushing and sinister riffs, eerie melodies, and deep, guttural growls—evoking the spirit of local legends like Funebre and Convulse, combined with a touch of evil and fast riffing reminiscent of the early U.S. scene.

"Intercranial Existence""Intercranial Existence""Intercranial Existence""Intercranial Existence"

Death's Keep

"The Sighing Giants of The Deep"

"The Sighing Giants of The Deep"
  • Format: MC
  • Duration: 14:30
  • Cat.#: PSLM-12-MC
  • Release date: 9/30/2024

The debut EP by Swedish newcomers Death’s Keep showcases powerful, heartfelt traditional heavy-metal riffs paired with raspy vocals and prominent Sword & Sorcery elements. While this unique mix may initially evoke early/mid BMSS, both musically and thematically it leans more decisively toward the NWOTHM.

"The Sighing Giants of The Deep""The Sighing Giants of The Deep""The Sighing Giants of The Deep"


"None Shall Be Spared"

"None Shall Be Spared"
  • Format: MC
  • Duration: 14:47
  • Cat.#: PSLM-11-MC
  • Release date: 9/30/2024

Originally released on the bands's Myspace page back in 2006, New-England veterans Abhorred's EP "None Shall Be Spared", is available on tape for the first time. Featuring a lineup with members from Grief, Noosebomb, and Trap Them, this EP delivers 4 tracks of uncontrolled Thrashing Death with a taint of Midwest Hardcore punk. The tapes, which include a J-card+3 with the lyrics and original artworks.

"None Shall Be Spared""None Shall Be Spared""None Shall Be Spared"

Stone Nomads

"Beyond The Gates"

"Beyond The Gates"
  • Format: MC
  • Duration: 19:17
  • Cat.#: PSLM-10-MC
  • Release date: 9/15/2024

This EP follows their 2023 debut album "At The Gates Of Solitude". It features two new tracks, a remixed bonus track from the LP, and a cover of Trouble's epic song “The Tempter”, featuring none other than Kyle Thomas from Exhorder and Alabama Thunderpussy, who has stepped in as Trouble's vocalist since the passing of the almighty Eric Wagner. For even more heaviness, the EP was mastered by Alan Douches (The Obsessed, High On Fire) at his West West Side Music studio in upstate NY.

"Beyond The Gates""Beyond The Gates""Beyond The Gates"

Surrounded By Strangers

"Buried Alive"

"Buried Alive"
  • Format: MC
  • Duration: 20:54
  • Cat.#: PSLM-09-MC
  • Release date: 9/15/2024

"Buried Alive" is the debut EP from Surrounded By Strangers. Although closely related to post-punk, their actual genre is undetermined blending influences reminiscent of bands like Have A Nice Life, Afterimage, and Altar De Fey. Hailing from Orange County, this project originated in early 2023 as a power trio, with lead guitarist and singer Jake Merideth almost solely playing and recording the EP. Since then, the band has expanded the lineup with a second guitarist and has played more than a dozen live shows.

"Buried Alive""Buried Alive""Buried Alive"

The Ghoules

"House Creeper"

"House Creeper"
  • Format: MC
  • Duration: 14:56
  • Cat.#: PSLM-08-MC
  • Release date: 6/1/2024

Originating from North East England, this quartet pays homage to the NWOBHM, with a touch of late-70s doom rock. The three tracks offer catchy melodies, fast-paced riffing, and steady drumming. While the band fully embraces their influences on this release, their music never sounds gimmicky or overly nostalgic. Overall, the EP unapologetically captures the essence of that era's sound while adding a contemporary and personal touch. The EP will be released on cassette, featuring a 3-panel j-card with lyrics and original artwork.

"House Creeper""House Creeper""House Creeper"


"Dream of a Manikin"

"Dream of a Manikin"
  • Format: MC
  • Duration: 22:29
  • Cat.#: PSLM-07-MC
  • Release date: 6/1/2024

All three tracks on the debut release from this Parisian one-man band showcase a distinct blend of clear, clean guitar sounds paired with intense, raspy vocals and highly intricate song structures that evolve into something rarely experienced. Their unique style will resonate with enthusiasts of Damián Antón Ojeda's projects, such as Trhä or Liminal Dream, but without the most melodic elements. This cassette release features a 3-panel j-card showcasing the band's very personal aesthetic, along with the lyrics, whose themes revolve around the thematics of dreams and the subconscious, plunging you into a realm of disorientation and surrealism.

"Dream of a Manikin""Dream of a Manikin""Dream of a Manikin"

Ancient Beast

"Lost Bastille"

"Lost Bastille"
  • Format: MC
  • Duration: 21:17
  • Cat.#: PSLM-06-MC
  • Release date: 6/1/2024

Led by Calvin Bauer and Noah Terrell from Skull Servant, this tape features 4 tracks of grim and raw black metal, drawing inspiration from the world of Dark Souls 2. The tape comes with a three-panel j-card, featuring lyrics and original artwork by Primitive Works.

"Lost Bastille""Lost Bastille""Lost Bastille"


"Global Intifada / Brainwash"

"Global Intifada / Brainwash"
  • Format: MC
  • Duration: 08:49
  • Cat.#: PSLM-05-MC
  • Release date: 4/7/2024

The inaugural offerings from French DIY grindcore act CREVURE, comprising their initial two EPs titled "Global Intifada" and "Brainwash", are compiled in this limited edition tape. Spearheaded by French grindcore veteran Thierry Gaichal, this project unleashes a potent dose of raw agression with eight tracks tracks of unfiltered grindcore fury from the deindustrialized northeastern France.

"Global Intifada / Brainwash""Global Intifada / Brainwash"

Spectral Sorcery

"Dungeons Of Doom"

"Dungeons Of Doom"
  • Format: MC
  • Duration: 23:43
  • Cat.#: PSLM-04-MC
  • Release date: 3/1/2024

This solo project has blended epic doom feature haunting vocals and a stonerish, fuzzed-out guitar sound with a clear yet powerful production. Revolving around themes of DnD and sword and sorcery, these three songs, lasting 23 minutes in total will surely appeal to doom fans ready to dive into a journey of dungeon crawling and encounters with evil entities.

"Dungeons Of Doom""Dungeons Of Doom"


"Nostalgia Like Cancer"

"Nostalgia Like Cancer"
  • Format: CD
  • Duration: 41:28
  • Cat.#: PSLM-03-CD
  • Release date: 12/29/2023

Originally self-released digitally in 2022, this release positions Murderbait as a notable presence in the dark rock/post-rock scene. Drawing inspiration from artists like Nick Cave, Swans, Pink Floyd, and more, Murderbait's “Nostalgia Like Cancer" stands as a dramatic masterpiece in the American dark rock scene.

"Nostalgia Like Cancer"

Bludgeon Oath

"A Burning Wrath"

"A Burning Wrath"
  • Format: Vinyl / CD / MC
  • Duration: 32:10
  • Cat.#: PSLM-02-LP / PSLM-02-CD / PSLM-02-MC
  • Release date: 12/15/2023

Bludgeon Oath’s inaugural release embarks on a profound and haunting journey of multifaceted atmospheric black metal, where ethereal melodies entwine with haunting atmospheres. With four tracks, encompassing more than 30 minutes, ‘A Burning Wrath’ delivers a mesmerizing exploration of the vivid and brutal sagas that unfolded on ancient battlefields.

"A Burning Wrath""A Burning Wrath""A Burning Wrath""A Burning Wrath""A Burning Wrath""A Burning Wrath""A Burning Wrath"


"Unending Torment"

"Unending Torment"
  • Format: MC
  • Duration: 17:10
  • Cat.#: PSLM-01-MC
  • Release date: 9/1/2023

Tempest delivers a no-frills, unapologetic sound that pays homage to the roots of death metal. Bringing forth a straightforward and unfiltered auditory experience that doesn't compromise, "Unending Torment" provides a sonic journey straight into the very heart of darkness.

"Unending Torment"